Class was amazing

I really enjoyed class today. We finished the assignment we started on yesterday and discussed our answers. The only part I didn’t enjoy about this assignment is when it was our group turn to explain our answers. I had so much to say about our question and answers but I couldn’t explain myself how I wanted too. It was like as soon as it was our turn, my mind completely shut down and I was very nervous. I am always nervous when it comes to public speaking. I think it’s because I overthink what others may think of my response. I learned a few lessons from this assignment and one lesson I grasped quickly is that words are important. I will be very careful when selecting words for anything from now on. I also want to touch on the AP parent meeting. I know this isn’t class related but I’m now calm about the exam. This meeting gave me the extra motivation and boost I needed. I used to constantly think negative about the exam, but I see it in a positive way. I see it as a wonderful opportunity to help me get through college easily if I pass the exam. Well I wouldn’t say if I pass, I know I’m going to pass! I’m eager to see what tomorrow holds for me, what about you?


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